Friday, February 29

Dopey Quizzes

When I ought to be getting breakfast and school underway.

First up, the puctuation personality quiz. I've been intrigued, and, except for the leadership thing, this is pretty close to me.

You Are a Colon

You are very orderly and fact driven.

You aren't concerned much with theories or dreams... only what's true or untrue.

You are brilliant and incredibly learned. Anything you know is well researched.

You like to make lists and sort through things step by step. You aren't subject to whim or emotions.

Your friends see you as a constant source of knowledge and advice.

(But they are a little sick of you being right all of the time!)

You excel in: Leadership positions

You get along best with: The Semi-Colon

I wouldn't say that I'm "brilliant," though. LOL! I wonder if Soccer Dad is a semicolon. (Hint, hint, honey.)

Thought I'd also take this one, even though I knew the results would be like this. I'm sure I know which Soccer Dad would be, too.

You Are 20% Extrovert, 80% Introvert

You are quite reserved

You aren't afraid of social situations...

But you very much prefer to go it alone

And why not? You're your own best friend!

Please browse my eBay items. Thank you.

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