Tuesday, February 5

Book Meme

Esther tagged me for a book meme!

1. What book have you read in the last six months that has really stayed with you? Why?

In This House of Brede. I'd read about Rumer Godden often at Julie's blog, and then I finally decided to read this after seeing a favorable review at The Curt Jester. I keep wanting to find out more about what happened to the characters after the book was finished!

2. What is one of your favorite childhood books?

My favorite book from childhood? I have no idea! I read so voraciously, it was practically ridiculous! I can tell you two of my favorite children's books, though, that I didn't read until I was an adult and that I've read again and again. First is The Giving Tree, which I didn't discover until I was 21. I stood in the bookstore sobbing uncontrolably when I finished it. The other is by Max Lucado: Just in Case You Ever Wonder. In Lucado's book, he tells his daughters that he loves them unconditionally and forever. It is beautiful and tender, and Big Girl used to make me read it every night before bed for nearly a year. I had it memorized. ;)

3. Do you have a favorite book of the Bible?

Yes. More specifically, I have a favorite chapter in that book. I love the sixth chapter of the Gospel of Saint John because it contains Christ's promise of the Eucharist. When it comes time to read that at Mass, I close my eyes and smile serenely as I listen, and I thank God for His sublime gift of the Holy Eucharist!

4. What is one book you could read again and again?

There are a few books that I've read more than once. Uncle Tom's Cabin, which is beautiful and heartbreaking, I'm gearing up for a re-read of The Lord of the Rings, and the moment I finished In This House of Brede I wanted to pick it up and start it over again. (Still want it for my birthday, honey. Don't forget!)

5. Is there a book you would suggest for Lenten reading? What is it and why?

I don't have a Lenten reading list, which makes me wonder if I ought to since so many other bloggers do. However, I did take time to read The Dolorous Passion one year, and it was just amazing. What we do make sure to accomplish each year is to watch The Passion of the Christ every year, preferably on Good Friday. (No, the girls aren't allowed to watch it yet, or even to look at the book I have with the beautiful pictures from the movie. Too much for them at their tender ages.)

And because we all love bonus questions, if you were going to publish a book what would it be? Who would you want to write the jacket cover blurb expounding on your talent?

I'd like to finish my book about a large Catholic homeschooling family and get it published someday. As for the jacket ... that's a toughie. I'm honestly not sure. I can't fantasize about it, so I keep coming up with friends of mine (who might be willing to do it, anyway).

[image source]

1 comment:

EC Gefroh said...

I enjoyed reading your responses Chris. The Giving Tree is so sad!!

Who are your heros?


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