Wednesday, February 27

Blogroll Highlight: The Charcoal Fire

I haven't highlighted a specific blog (save the Travel Man blog) in a while, and I wanted to point out an excellent site called The Charcoal Fire. Kevin has such fascinating articles there, and they are definitely theologically deep at times. (Check out his recent musings on forgiveness and the parable of the king who forgave the servant's debts.)

Today, though, while catching up, I read a really cool story about how his life was saved by an abcessed tooth. Really! I'll give you a sample, but you just click on over and read the rest for yourself:

... Several doctors had informed my mother that because of her fertility cycles she would never have children. My Dad knew that before he married her, but he loved her and it wasn't a problem for him. Plus, he didn't believe the doctors anyway. But after not conceiving in their first year of marriage, my mother decided to see her OB/GYN about the condition. At the office, they administered a pregnancy blood test, and if it turned out to be negative, the doctor recommended an injection to stimulate ovulation and assist in conception. However, if the shot were to unknowingly follow conception, it would likely cause a miscarriage.

So after a few days, the doctor's office called my mom to let them know that the test was negative, and to ask her to come in and receive the injection. But unbeknownst to both my mother and the doctors, I was there. My mom says she felt hesitant to receive the shot for some reason. So, my little life seemed to be in peril. ...

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