Tuesday, January 8

Coarsening of Our Children

Speaking of playing at the park, since when has it been acceptable for eight year olds to say "crap" and "damn"? 'Cuz that was part of the vocabulary of the boy at the park.

And Little Girl told me she was worried because the son of a friend says "crap" and when she tried to admonish him not to say bad words, he said that he says it all the time. She didn't know what to say to that.

Honestly, I try very hard not to say those words myself, and it troubles me that children say such things.


Jennifer @ Conversion Diary said...

I've noticed this as well. It's also become a lot more common for kids to use God's name in vain. Ugh.

Stacey said...

At my dad's house, I basically had free reign and could say whatever I wanted. At my mom's (and everywhere else) I couldn't say anything. I'm going with the latter for Ace. Always act like God's listening... cuz He is and stuff.

Who are your heros?


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