Tuesday, August 28

Oh. My. God.

Jean has put up this prayer request, and I'm passing it on. Please pray for this family. They need our help.

Adam, 29, and his wife are rebuilding their home in New Orleans after Katrina demolished it. Today he was working on it, and sent one young son up to the house (which is on stilts) to fetch something. When the boy didn't return, he sent the next youngest son up after him. Curious as to why they weren't returning, he went up after them, and found both lying face down in the dirt, both bitten by a poisonous snake. He called 911, and they told him it would be quicker if he drove the boys himself to the hospital. So he grabbed both under each arm, put them in the truck, and in his haste and panic, drove over and killed his 3-year-old child. Both boys ended up dying from the snake bite, so this man and his wife lost all three of their children today. Please ask the Lord to overwhelm them with graces and faith.


Eternal God, in whom mercy is endless and the treasury of compassion inexhaustible, look kindly upon us and increase Your mercy in us, that in difficult moments we might not despair nor become despondent, but with great confidence submit ourselves to Your holy will, which is Love and Mercy itself. Amen.

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Stacey said...


Yeah. There's... no. Yeah. God.

Jennifer @ Conversion Diary said...

Oh my gosh, I just read on Happy Catholic that it turns out that that was an urban myth. THANK GOD!!

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