Friday, April 18


just ...


I can't believe the tone of this article, as well as the misleading ways things are presented. And I love the snide "octagenerian" comment, too.


But...perusing some other articles...

What about this? Is this to make Catholics look just idiotic, or what?

The congregation drank Coke, munched on peanuts and applauded during spectacular moments. The scent of pizza wafted through the upper decks as Benedict prepared communion.


Serves me right for reading secular coverage - especially from post-Christian societies - about the Holy Father's visit.

Please browse my eBay items. Thank you.

1 comment:

catholicandgop said...

I can't believe people were eating during mass.

Actually I've seen people eat at mass, and my brother saw someone drinking a coke during mass once, but ugh.

Who are your heros?


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