Wednesday, October 18


Anyone who knows me knows that I have a real phobia when it comes to bugs. My basic answer is that anything with more than four legs is NOT my friend.

As it always seems to do when we get a warm spot in October, the lady bugs have hatched and are SWARMING about the yard. And I noticed that we suddenly had about two dozen in the house. At first, I called Hubby at work and admonished him for letting them in the front door when he left for work. I asked him to use the garage door until the stupid lady bugs stop swarming, which will likely be after the next serious cold snap.

I looked at the door, which the girls had just "cleaned off" for me (by catching the bugs and releasing them outside) and noticed that there were more than before. Then I saw something that has me freaking out.

They are coming from outside, through small tears in the weather stripping.

I will be headed to the big blue box or the big orange box to buy a BUNCH of weather stripping, which I might now call bug stripping, to have Hubby replace it when the lady bugs go back to sleep tonight. And I will continue to show no mercy as I vacuum up any that are in the house. If the girls can catch and release them first, so be it, but I had more than two dozen in the curtains and on the door, and every time I pass it, there are more at the door.


I hate the warm week mid-way through October.

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