o·ver·whelm (ō'vər-hwělm', -wělm') Pronunciation Key tr.v. o·ver·whelmed, o·ver·whelm·ing, o·ver·whelms
1. To surge over and submerge; engulf: waves overwhelming the rocky shoreline.
2a. To defeat completely and decisively: Our team overwhelmed the visitors by 40 points.
2b. To affect deeply in mind or emotion: Despair overwhelmed me.
3. To present with an excessive amount: They overwhelmed us with expensive gifts.
4. To turn over; upset: The small craft was overwhelmed by the enormous waves.
And I want to help, but the only thing I can do is pray. I can't help my aunt, who has an incurable cancer that she is struggling to beat. I can't do anything for my two friends who have lost their unborn babies in the last month. I can't do anything for Soccer Dad's cousin and his family, who are breaking apart. I can't do a damn thing for my friend whose husband has left her and the kids - only to take the children away and not let her talk to them. I can't do anything to help but pray.
And it is so scary. Damn, it's scary. It just makes me want to hole up and cry.
So I'll pray. And pray. And pray some more. And hang tight to the hem of Jesus' robe. And then pray some more.
Did I mention that this is all kind of scary?
Can you pray with me, please?
Chris, have you considered joining the One Came Back blog so you can post these prayer requests there. Maybe that will help you. I'm praying for your intentions daily.
Christine, you got it. I will bring all of these intentions to Adoration and Mass this morning and lay them at the feet of Christ.
Sometimes it's hard to remember that if prayer is all we can do, it will be enough.
I am so sorry to hear that. Your friends and family are lucky that they have you to pray for them. They will be in my prayers as well.
I've prayed too. Sometimes there is just so much to pray for that even that seems overwhelming.
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