Monday, December 4

Family Field Trip!

Last week, our family went on a field trip to Alexandria, VA, and Washington, DC. It was AMAZING! And the best stuff was at the Smithsonian and not allowed to have pictures taken of it.

I'll be updating things later, and adding TONS of pictures, but to sum up, this week I have:

* eaten at a pub called Bilbo Baggins
* seen three IMAX movies at two Smithsonian museums
* looked at the Founding Documents of the United States of America
* seen the handwriting of about four different saints (!!!)
* discovered that there is no good way from Alexandria to Leesburg, VA, where our new god daughter lives (and Big Girl's best friend, too)
* seen Mr. Lincoln at night (best time, IMO)
* become some kind of expert on riding the Metro with two small children
* been to Mass at a monastery and the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception

We had such a good time, and I think we walked somewhere close to five miles a day if you count all the meandering through the Smithsonian.

I will definitely be posting some of my 456 pictures from last week! For now, it's off to dance class for Little Girl and grocery shopping for Big Girl and I.

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