Sunday, December 24

Christmas Thoughts

I am headed back upstairs to do more laundry and clean up the TERRIFIC mess in the kitchen (burned fingers are good enough to catch up on the dishes and pots and pans now), but before I do, I thought this was really nice. I saw it at Faith and Country, who saw it at Conservababes. Hopefully, no one will mind that I pinched it.

God bless you all and have a beautiful, blessed, and happy Christmas.

A Fitting Christmas Tribute
by Alexa P. Keaton

It's fitting that
The Lamb of God
Was introduced by angels
To shepherds in a field.

It's fitting that
The bread of life
Was born in Bethlehem
Which mean God's house of bread.

It's fitting that
The Creator of the World
Was born into an earthly family
Of carpenters and builders.

It's fitting that
Rich and wise men
Came seeking the
Richest and Wisest of all.

It's fitting that
Jesus was born during
A world-wide census count
Since He came to save all.

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