Friday, December 22

Cooking Advice for the Inexperienced

When you make fish sticks for your children in an oven set for 475, remember that it's important not to move the cookie sheet just taken from said oven with the hand that does NOT have the oven mitt on.

It tends to hurt, and it also tends to be hard to keep bad words from leaving your mouth as you do it.

Just, you know, a tip from someone who is a real experienced cook.


Jennifer @ Conversion Diary said...

Ouch!! I know so little about cooking that this is the sort of thing that I do need to be told. :) Hope your hand is feeling better.

EC Gefroh said...

Hope you have some Aloe Vera handy Chris. Sorry to hear you are in pain.

catholicandgop said...

Ouch! But you're talking to someone who started a fire making jello, so I can't say much.

Christine the Soccer Mom said...

Oh, Sunny, you make me laugh!

I put burn ointment on it (actually, Hubby did), and he did me up with the band aids. Thank God we had an up to date First Aid kit in the pope up tramper. (That is Big Girl's name for the pop up camper.)

catholicandgop said...

Pope up camper! Thats so cute. :)

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