Thursday, May 10

Memes! Memes! Memes!

Stacey tagged me for a meme of ten things about me. At the same time, Nancy tagged me for a meme of eight things about me. For each meme, I am supposed to list said things and then tag the same number of people for the meme. I am SO not going to come up with 18 things about me AND 18 people to tag. I seriously do not have that many friends. I can probably come up with the stuff about me, though. I'll tell you what. Here are the ten. If you feel compelled, consider yourself tagged, and you can leave a link to your post in the com boxes. I only have something like six people who read this blog, so I will be stumped to come up with ten people who will all respond. ;)

Okay, ten things about me. (Hopefully this will not be too repititious of the other memes I've done that are similar to this one.)

1. I auditioned for the United States Navy Band. Twice. I thought it was my destiny to be a professional musician. God had other plans for my vocation, as you can see. :) (I played piano, in case you were wondering.)

2. When I was a small girl, I thought about becoming a nun. I told my mother this when I was small, and no one discouraged me about it. I think I realized, though, that I was not meant to be one. At least not now. Maybe I'll be like Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton. There are times when I feel stressed out by life and wonder how nice it must be to be cloistered and get to do nothing but pray all day and go to adoration. And sing! I love to hear Mother Angelica's sisters singing.

3. In spite of my thoughts about entering religious life, when I fell away from regular Confession, I slid off into the habit of doing things that I look back on and cringe about. My language, my manner of dressing, the music I listened to... Sometimes, I am so upset that I just can't listen to some of my old records or CD's any more. (What WILL I do with all those Prince albums?)

4. I am getting gray hair. Little white hairs are all over the place. Hubby does not see them. When he looks at me, he's said, I look just like I did the day I married him. However, I am beginning to notice them more and more. I have begun to wonder what my tolerance level will be for the little white hairs. Oh, and they are not like my other hair. They are more wirey.

5. I think I'm becoming addicted to coffee. About a year ago, I'd have an occasional cup. Now, it's a daily thing, practically. Today is the first day in more than a week that I didn't have at least one cup. Guess what I'm giving up for Lent next year?

6. I am a procrastinator, which is a nice way of saying I have a real problem with Sloth. Okay, not with the joy thing, but definitely sloth in the way of just lazing around when I know I have work to do. I am definitely a lazy person, or at least I have a strong tendancy for it. But when I get out!

7. Again with the beverages...I used to hate beer. I thought it was like swill, only worse. Now, I have discovered that it isn't BEER that I hate; it's Miller beer that I hate. My dad drinks Miller, and I have recently discovered that what I like is a beer with some FLAVOR to it. If I had discovered Sam Adams in college, I think I'd be the biggest lush around. Old Fezziwig ROCKS!

8. I am a pretty good cook. I used to have a few dishes that I would make, and when I started Weight Watchers, I started to branch out and become more adventurous. When my sister got pregnant with her third daughter, she gave - er, LOANED - me her WW cookbooks, and I hardly can stand to part with them now. I have been trying to buy replacements for her, or for me, so that I can still use them. And most of the time, I am a decent judge of how a recipe will turn out (even without pictures). There have only been a few times when everyone took a bite or two and said, "YUCK!" I am glad for that.

9. Staying with the cooking, I have started to bake bread more and more often. I like doing it, even though it takes a lot of time to do it all the old-fashioned way. (I have no bread machine.) I found a recipe for wheat bread that might not be low fat, but the girls both will eat it and it doesn't call for me to use a food processor (earth to Weight Watchers: not everyone has one so please put alternate directions!) or other appliance that I don't have.

10. I nearly always have to have something near me to read. If I have nothing else, I've been known to read cereal boxes. When Hubby and I were DINKS, we toured Montecello and loved that Jefferson had books in every room. And he would read several at once. He just left a book where he was reading it, and when he went back to that room, he'd pick it back up again. Our home is a lot like that now. Books are everywhere, and all of us tend to read a couple at a time. Yes, even the girls are known to have a longer book that they are reading, plus a shorter chapter book, plus whatever picture books catch their fancies during the day. I have to put my foot down when we go to the library and not let them take out two dozen books at a time! (It's not like we have nothing for them to read around here, trust me!)

Like I said, I can't come up with that many people. If the spirit moves you, leave a link in the combox!


Anonymous said...

Great answers! I know you and I would be friends if we could hang out together. I have books all over my house. I'm always losing the one I want to read because I put it down somewhere!

T with Honey said...

I'm right there with you on #2 although no one that knows me in real life believes me. They all laugh at the idea of me becoming a nun.

And #7, well let me say that when the Holiday variety pack of Sam Adams comes out I always try to get to the Old Fezziwigs and the Cranberry Lambics before Honey can drink them on me.

Who are your heros?


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