Friday, May 4

Blogroll Highlight: Questions on Sola Scriptura & Other Musings

Red Neck Woman's blog is AMAZING. And I came across this post today that is worth reading and following all the links. Here's a sampling:

...If Jesus meant for the church to be sola scriptura, why did He not explicitly say so? Why did He not write a book? Why did He say He was going to found a Church on Peter instead of a book? Why is there not explicit instruction from Jesus with regard to the place of Sacred Scripture as the sole rule of faith? Sacred Scripture itself says scripture is beneficial for teaching, reproof etc but it never says that ONLY scripture is appropriate for those things.

If Jesus meant for Sacred Scripture to be the sole rule of faith, why did He not instruct the Apostles to immediately begin recording the gospels and establishing a canon? If if He did instruct them that way, why did they not do it? Why weren't the gospels written right away to provide that rule of faith for the earliest Christian? If sola scriptura was meant to be the sole rule of faith how did the early Christians do it with neither a complete copy of Sacred Scriptures or an undisputed canon? Sola Scriptura was simply NOT POSSIBLE until at least the 4th century. ...

Be sure to go read it all. Then poke around the rest of her site and enjoy!


Anonymous said...

I don't know if you noticed but I linked to this. How could I not? [grin] I think I'd like you to visit talk to my children about me. Thank you so much for your kind words....and I REALLY loved the sternum joke!

Christine the Soccer Mom said...

I really do like your blog. Your conversion story was one of the first things I read there, then your daughter's. The Brevary posts were fantastic, though I have to admit that I did not read through the 23 printed pages of the single day of the Divine Office. It would be a wonderful thing to work up to doing, though.

Who are your heros?


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