Tuesday, July 1

Strange Dreams...

Soccer Dad and I have a ton of material on our DVR, which we didn't have time to watch together during the regular season because he dons the supersuit so often. So this summer, we've caught up some in between sports and activities with the girls. Recently, we decided to finally get into "The Sarah Conner Chronicles." The show is really neat, and the plots are pretty cool. I try hard to overlook the fact that the actress who plays Sarah has the acting ability of a piece of cardboard. Or that the girl terminator seems to lose emotional display abilities as the series goes on. The story is still really cool, so we stick with it.

But I have decided that working and then sitting straight down to the show produces strange dreams. The other night, I dreamt that I was selling Macs in a store, and they were all becoming sentient. And they weren't going to be nice like Wall-E (who is a Mac, you know). I could tell, somehow, that they were going to kill us all sometime in the future.

Very, very strange.

Please browse my eBay items. Thank you.

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