Wednesday, July 30

Quirks Meme

Julie, the famously Happy Catholic, has tagged me for a meme!  I'm pausing from mowing my behemoth front lawn for a moment (lest I have heart failure) and thought I'd give it a whirl.  I've done quirky memes before, but I thought I'd stretch and see if I can't come up with something new to say.  First, the rules:
  1. Link the person(s) who tagged you.
  2. Mention the rules on your blog.
  3. Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.
  4. Tag 6 fellow bloggers by linking them.
  5. Leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger’s blogs letting them know they’ve been tagged.
Okay, then.  Let's play.
  1. I am a horrible procrastinator.  (As if I actually needed to say that after mentioning that I'm in the middle of mowing the lawn!)  Part of this derives, I've discovered, from my need to do things just so, and feeling that I have to give myself LOTS of time to do it.  Part of it also derives from the fact that I'm basically lazy and kind of wish that a magic fairy would come and do my tasks for me.  When I was a girl, I envied Snow White for her woodland-friend-helpers.  "Why can't I get a bunch of cute bunnies and squirrels to help me clean my room?!?"
  2. I have this need to feel accepted and approved.  Since I'm already kind of shy (as in, I am very scared to talk to people I don't know well, especially when I have no one near me to help me feel brave), if I feel as though I'm being shunned for something I've said or done, I get very down.  Call it insecurity or vanity ("It has to be something about me, right?"), I tend to take everything - and I mean everything - personally.
  3. I am also, oddly enough, not very good at accepting compliments.  I've had to learn to do it right; that is, to say, "Thank you," and shut up.  No one likes to dole out a compliment and be told they are wrong.  
  4. I've already admitted to strange sleeping habits.  (We all know that the only way to protect yourself from monsters is to be under a blanket up to the neck and not to let any body part hang over the side where something can grab you!)  But I have also discovered, thanks to Soccer Dad, that I have a funny quirk.  When I roll over, it is ALWAYS in the same direction.  I couldn't tell you which, but it's always the same.  Even if it means a 3/4 turn to get to my side.  I wonder if I'd roll the opposite way in Australia.
  5. When reading online, I click and highlight like crazy.  Word, line, paragraph.  Word, line, paragraph.  Click and drag.  Read in the highlight.  Read out of the highlight.  Highlight the part I'm going to read next.  Click, click, click.  Word, paragraph...  Oops!  I missed the line.  Start over.  It makes my husband absolutely insane to watch me, and I am forbidden to touch the mouse if I make him read something on my monitor.  
  6. I have also admitted plenty of times that I can't stand bugs.  Anything with more than four legs is NOT my friend, and I don't care if a housekeeping spider eats other bugs it has to do so outside where all the bugs ought to live and stay away from me completely.  Have I ever mentioned that I also have a serious problem even touching a picture of a bug?  (All of this amounts to my family being stunned into momentary silence when I announced that I would do a unit on insects with the girls and look into an ant farm.)  But, yes, bug pictures are really icky.  I don't want to touch them.  Creepy ... *shudder*
Okay, that's all for me, folks.  I can't think of six people who haven't played, so I will tag anyone who is reading this who has ever had a pet spider (or a brother or sister who had one).  In addition, if you had a pet that had to eat live bugs, you can play, too.  (My niece, for example, has had an African Fat-Tailed Gecko that likes live crickets.  I love that girl so much that I actually BOUGHT 25 LIVE CRICKETS FOR HER AND TRANSPORTED THEM IN MY CAR.  I am certain that I got out of Purgatorial time on that day.)  So if you're a crazy bug-lover, here's your chance to gross me out.

Bring it on.

Please browse my eBay items. Thank you.


Julie D. said...

We are so much alike in sleeping habits (the need to hide from monsters, for example!) and now I see that in the rolling over thing too. Always in one direction, ALWAYS! :-D

Christine the Soccer Mom said...

The key is the blanket. Sheets do nothing to protect you at all. Comforters and quilts are even better. ;)

I'm sure I have quirks, and this meme would be MUCH more interesting if Soccer Dad did one on me instead of me on myself. (Was that even remotely grammatically correct?) To me, it's just the way it's supposed to be.

Incidentally, I can at least walk across the floor in the dark without jumping three feet to and from the bed. I forced myself to stop ... well, we won't get too detailed there. It's actually a bit embarrassing how long I continued with that habit! LOL!

Who are your heros?


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