Wednesday, July 23


While I was working last night, a gigantic thunderstorm of the severe variety passed over us.  And then, about 10:30, lightning struck something near my house.  

You know the game we played when we were younger where we'd see the flash, count until the boom, then multiply by three to see how far away?  Well this flash and boom were simultaneous.  

The customer on the phone heard it, too.  (I did manage to not blurt out that my house was almost hit by lightning, since officially I'm in a call center.)

Not long after that, my entire system started freaking out, so I had to reset the whole thing; it took nearly 20 minutes to get everything back up and running (and I'd lost the call in the meantime).  So I checked on the girls and found them huddled in bed together.  About half an hour later they came downstairs to sleep in my bed.  (If not for the fact that Travel Man were on a mission, there wouldn't have been room!)

This morning, I found that a tree not even 50 yards from my house had been struck.  The top of it fell into our yard (it's actually in the neighbor's area of the woods) and lies less than 30 feet from the corner of our deck.  Pictures are forthcoming!

But it was a doozy, I tell ya'!  

Thank You, Lord, for keeping us safe last night and not allowing my home to be hit by lightning!

Please browse my eBay items. Thank you.

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