Tuesday, April 17

Who Supports ESCR?

Many thanks to Rebecca, who points out that CitizenLink has a list of research organizations who support embryonic stem cell research, fetal tissue research, or cloning. They also listed organizations that only support adult stem cell research.

With great chagrin, I notice that the March of Dimes supports ESCR and fetal tissue research. :(

Support Embryonic Stem Cell Research and Human Cloning

Alliance for Aging Research
Alzheimer's Society (UK)
American Health Assistance Foundation (AHAF)
Cancer Research and Prevention Foundation
Children's Neurobiological Solutions Foundation
Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation
Coalition for the Advancement of Medical Research
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
National Multiple Sclerosis Society
Michael J. Fox Foundation
Parkinson's Disease Foundation

Support Embryonic Stem Cell Research

ALS Association
American Cancer Society 1
Multiple Sclerosis National Research Institute
March of Dimes
North American Brain Tumor Coalition
Paralyzed Veterans of America Spinal Cord Research Foundation
The Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation
Y-ME National Breast Cancer Organization

Support Cloning

American Diabetes Association

Support Fetal Tissue Research

March of Dimes
Support Adult Stem Cell Research Only
American Heart Association
SCI Research Advancement - "The Will Ambler Project"
The Thomas Hartman Foundation for Parkinson's Research Inc

Currently Supports Adult Stem Cell Research

Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada

Disclaimer: This information was accurate as of August 2005, subject to change based on organizations' positions.

1 While the American Cancer Society onlyfundsresearch involving adult stem cells, their website makes it clear that they fully support research using embryonic stem cells.

1 comment:

Stacey said...

To be fair, the MoD only supports fetal tissue research in babies that have already died, not babies that are killed for this cause. This is the only way to see why babies die from prematurity and has enabled many, many babies to live. 10 years ago, Ace's own life would have been iffy, having been born at 29 weeks. Those children's lives weren't wasted, and their deaths weren't in vain.

As far as the ESCR goes, think of it what you will, but the MoD is the leading researcher in prematurity, which is absolutely DEVASTATING. I know how heartily you disagree, but I'd rather a non-viable, test-tube-created embryo die than a child that was born too early. That's not their only method of research, nor is it their main one. They've done so much - this is only an avenue they've explored, and once it's proven to be worthless, they'll move on to something less morally and ethically corrupt.

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