Wednesday, August 20

Goody, Goody Gumdrops

I had oral surgery today.  I'd injured the gum for one of my front bottom teeth and it receded to a dangerous point.  So today I went to see a wonderful doctor who put a gum graft from my soft palate where the gum used to be.  It will heal, and no one who sees it will be able to notice a difference.  

However, my mouth is a bit sore.  And I'm working.  Three hours today, four Thursday and Friday.  Talking is not fun.  


I can eat, though, and I just have to mind not brushing where the graft was as well as the spot where it is.  I'm guessing I'll want to skip the Listerine, too, though I actually didn't ask.  LOL!

Well, I'm off to get some pain meds in the event that Advil and offering it up don't do enough for me tonight.  That, and replace the catfish that died in the tank yesterday.  LOL!

Thank God the surgery went well, though.  He is good to me; better than I ever deserve.

Please browse my eBay items. Thank you.

1 comment:

HEATHER said...

Yikes! That sounds really painful!
Hope you feel better soon!
I may email you, this weekend about the call center jobs. I have more questions. Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you. We've been trying to get a classroom set up in our garage, and we had a kitty get sick and have to be put to sleep. It's been really hectic and I have barely had time to think!
Feel better soon!

Who are your heros?


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