Wednesday, June 25

Is There Nothing Else to Write About?

I just sent this e-mail to The Onion:

I was a subscriber to your feed, and I kept a link to The Onion on my sidebar for quite a while. However, I am unsubscribing today, and I felt that, though you’ll probably never notice my presence or absence, you should know why.

I was willing to overlook the bad language, though it bothered me that the worst of it seemed to occur on weekends (and especially Sundays). But for the last week, nearly every single story you have put up has been about homosexuals, with some headlines being quite graphic. I’m not interested in it. I can understand one or two satirical stories, but ten a day?!?

If this is all that your writers can find to write about, I’ll just leave The Onion off my reading list from now on.

-Christine in Virginia

Not that I think they'll care or that I'll make much difference, but I just can't keep a link on my sidebar that routinely publishes material that is so offensive. (And, yes, this morning's headlines included one that was near-pornographic.)

Please browse my eBay items. Thank you.

1 comment:

Barb Szyszkiewicz said...

Why is it that everyone thinks comedy has to be off-color to be funny?
Good for you :)

Who are your heros?


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