Sunday, June 8

Like Bees, We Are!

I've taken some pictures that I might be able to upload, but we've been quite busy between my job, homeschooling, T-ball, and other miscellaneous stuff that goes on.  Like the rest of the East Coast, southwest Virginia was hit with a whompin' heat wave this week - highs in the mid-to-upper nineties! - and the girls have been happily splashing in the pool.  Travel Man has been mild-mannered Soccer Dad this week (and next, hooray!), and he and I have joined the girls in the pool, too.  Big Girl even made a quick video with our digital camera that I might edit and post.  

Anyway, I have not dropped off the face of the earth.  I'm just swamped.  Oh, and I'm going to the IHM Conference again this year, too!  I'm so excited that it's this weekend!  If you're a homeschooling mom who is headed there, let me know!  

Please browse my eBay items. Thank you.

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Um, hi. You know how you tagged me 2 months ago for a random facts meme? I did it. :)

Who are your heros?


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