Wednesday, February 4

Disappointed in Obama - Post 2

Earlier this year I posted about groups that were disappointed in President Obama before he took the Oath of Office.

Now that he is in fact our President, and I pray every day that he will govern with the best interests of all citizens in mind, there are a few more groups that aren't so pleased with what they thought an Obama presidency would be:
  1. Muslims - remember how many people were upset that a Muslim was elected?
  2. Women - only 5 out of 20 Cabinet positions went to women.
  3. Women's Health Groupsthat Obama publicly pushed for family planning provisions (abortion is part of the plan) to be cut from the stimulus package.
  4. The Vaticandecision to end a ban on federal funding for international groups that perform abortions or provide information on them.
  5. Organized Labor -Obama passed over labor activist Mary Beth Maxwell and instead chose Rep. Hilda Solis of California as Secretary of Labor

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