Wednesday, October 24

One More Listing for Today

I've got a lot to do to get ready for the BBQ/Birthday bash this weekend, including hanging curtains that I first need to sew! However, I took a minute to list one more item on eBay today.

Once upon a time, I lost a lot of weight, and I wanted - well, really needed - a new dress for Christmas. I wore this one (link opens in a new window), along with a really nice cardigan, and elicited such comments as "WOW!" and such from my dear husband the Soccer Dad.

But now, I've no real need for such a beautiful cocktail dress, and so it's on eBay, much to Soccer Dad's chargin. But some lucky gal is going to get to buy it and look smashing for all of the upcoming holiday parties! If you or someone you know is about a size 6 or 8 and is looking for a nice dress that is still pretty modest, check out my latest eBay listing. The dress has a high neckline and the hem is right at knee-level. If sleeveless isn't your thing, you can do what I did and wear a nice black cardigan with this, or a shoulder-shawl-thing. (Like my technical fashionista talk there?)

While you're there, you could also check out the other listings I've got on eBay this week. More to come, too. I've got a very nice silk sportscoat that Soccer Dad no longer needs that I'll be listing soon.

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