Tuesday, June 30

Live Action Films: Undercover #7

Still can't post to the Catholic Soccer Mom blog.  VERY odd.  Until Blogger fixes this weird problem (I'm not the only one having it), I'm going to post this here.  It's from Live Action Films, and it's the seventh video in this series.

This was the sixth video, in case you missed it:

More on Live Action Films' Mona Lisa Project:

Planned Parenthood clinics across the country are contributing to the abuse of young girls.

The Mona Lisa Project videos document Planned Parenthood's willingness to repeatedly violate mandatory reporting laws for statutory rape that protect children.

Our series of hidden camera investigations, collected by a team led by Lila Rose in summer 2008, provide the public the inside story about the abortion industry and its abuses across the nation. Despite a consistent pattern of lawlessness and abuse, Planned Parenthood receives over $330 million from taxpayers each year. The tax-exempt "nonprofit" netted $100 million in net income last year including revenue of over $100 million directly from performing 305,000 abortions.

We hope that our project will lead to prosecution and reforms at Planned Parenthood so that their business practices will be forced to comply with governing laws that protect young girls.

The Mona Lisa Project

One more thing you'll want to see on their homepage: an interactive map that shows violations they've documented from around the country.  Here's a screenshot, but please click over and see it for yourself.

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